Oh, this should be good... laugh
  • Lois, suddenly outed as a "two-pot screamer" -- or should that be a two-tea (plus Amaretto and rum-n-coke) screamer -- and revealed to be a repressed party animal, losing almost all her usual inhibitions when tipsy/drunk.
  • Clark dressing in black -- with intent, so to speak; something about the phrasing of that last paragraph has me expecting him to not just be wearing everyday black clothes, but something "more... more", to quote LotF. In fact, with what Lois is wearing, I almost expect Angel and Spike to make a reappearance... wink
  • Lucy there to egg them both on, wilfully and deliberately misunderstanding or misrepresenting what Lois has revealed in order to get her big sister a "super guy" (little does she know!)
  • And a cast of assorted "Quality" onlookers, pool players and, probably, drunks -- not to mention the excellent, but hapless, Jerry, who really doesn't appreciate what he's getting into...

Talk about a volatile cocktail...! Somehow, I can't see our favourite couple getting out of the place without Clark having to defend Lois, and that could result in anything up to and including a full-scale brawl! If so, I hope Jerry doesn't lose his job over it; it's nice to see Lucy with someone who registers on the "human being" scale, and I hope he likes her enough to stick around regardless of what is to come.

In case you hadn't guessed, Annie and Kathy, I thought this was great. More, please, ASAP!


Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...