Hey, you guys, I need part 2 NOW!!! C'mon!
This is too hilarious - I love it! Jerry seems adorable and normal and good for Lucy - what a nice surprise! And cute too, which doesn't hurt.
You did a wonderful job of writing Lois drunk - her mispronounciation (did I spell that right? It looks funny) of certain words was SO funny, and yet in character. I really enjoyed the way Lucy knew exactly which clothes Lois would plan to wear and how she talked her into something that was more...er...appropriate.
Why am I not a bit surprised that Lois is excellent at pool, whether drunk or sober? Add it to her already long list of skills!
I was also wondering where Clark existed in this story, so I got a kick out of how Lois suddenly brought him into the conversation. Lucy's reactions to Lois's happy rambling were perfect and so much fun to read - while the descriptions of their kisses were great, I have to vote for the towel reminiscences as my favorite.

And now she's actually called him in the middle of the night (well, not really) and invited him to the bar - goody!

Exactly what kind of black outfit is Clark going to choose???
PLEASE post part 2 right now!! Please?? (we really need a good pouty face icon right about here).
Vicki (who's off to a 3 hour meeting that will most likely be boring as ...you know
