LOL Pam, thank you! Yes, that's exactly what we were going for, and I'm very glad that you think it's funny.

I love a good title and we didn't have one for this story until fairly late in the process. I think we were calling it "Untitled" for the first 3/4 of the story. <g> But when "Tea Totaled" finally came to me, I think I stalked around IRC for hours waiting for Annie to show up so I could present it for her approval. LOL.
Gabriele said:
Poor Clark can't deny Lois anything - she says come, and he goes, she says wear black and he does so.
Hmm, I have a feeling you're going to like part 4 ... but that's all the tease I'm going to give.
Thanks, you two, and everyone else who commented! We're delighted that you are enjoying the story so much.