I'm making all of my stuff up. There, I said it. I have no classes, no club, no list, no teacher to give me the low down on what is done and what is frowned on.

I read a lot. And then I just...throw stuff at the screen. Anybody else?
Amen, CC! I haven't taken any classes about writing fiction ever, and I don't have clubs, lists, or teachers to help me. I don't even read all that much.

I pretty much write whatever my brain tells my fingers to type -- it's pretty stream of consciousness -- and that tends to be my writing style.

So what if I don't follow the bible of writing? So what if I don't even know half of the "rules"? So what if I had to ask on IRC yesterday what was actually meant between "telling and showing"?

I am not trying to become a professional writer. There's no way I could ever even dream of doing it. I know there are people who do aspire to write professionally and people who have been published. But it's discussions like this that remind me that my writing is horribly sub par.

Some of us just write what we want to write -- and what we want to read ourselves -- without regard for any rule. I guess I don't take my writing seriously enough or something. Oh well. I really don't care.

Oh well, guess I should stop writing then.

- Laura
(who's in the midst of writing a paper to be published . . . um in Annals of BME . . . doesn't count, huh?)

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve