I'm not trying to lead a rebellion, to overthrow the Fiction Rule Gods, or anything else, for that matter.

I do want to learn to tell a story effectively. I have years of experience writing in other areas, but this is a different animal.

I've found that just writing, pure and simple, on a regular basis has been a great teacher. As well as posting stories here, and seeing them reflected back to me. This lets me know how I'm communicating, if I'm coming across the way I intend to.

So, with the knowledge that I'm not a rabble-rouser firmly in place, and my acknowledgment that there is value in learning the rules, and as Jude said, knowing enough to know what rules to break, here's this (at last): Do we risk our distinctive voices when we adhere to someone else's idea of what good story telling is?

I'm not starting a debate.
I'm just really curious.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
