I'd heard the winners were announced, and was interested to read the scores to see how the system worked. I have to admit, though, I was more than a little shocked at the low scores for your story, Mere! Especially for the story considered the winner. Ouch.

As for this:

Originally posted by ChiefPam:
Just as a random observation, I'd point out that this *is* the first go-round for the whole Merriweather process, so some missteps would only be natural. Maybe (some of) the judges were concerned about being too lenient, and went too far in compensating? I expect a lot of this will settle down as they get more practice.
I hope that's the case, too. After seeing such harsh scoring from Lynn and now Mere, there's no way I plan on submitting anything. shock


I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. ~ Scott Corbett ~