Oops. I added that total many times, too. I guess I always skipped the last 40.
TOTAL = 228/260
So that makes way more sense. It is 228/300, which makes Jenni's score make sense. Definitely is better than a total of 600 points, which seemed huge for a tiny vignette. But these still differ from the totals Meredith posted above in that they are half. Which is fine. Now I'm not confused anymore. Well, except by Anna's score. I also wish the Merriweather site called it "a judged addition to the Kerths" rather than an alternative. There certainly is no ban on doing both award systems.
Artemis - who has put in her Kerth votes early!

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis