Originally posted by Tzigone:
Well, very few characters (or real live people) actually obey every tenet of their religion - at least here. You have the ideal - and then you have what you expect of yourself and other church-going folk. And then, of course, there are the hypocrites. And the ones who do their best to live up to the ideal, too, though those are rare, because it takes a lot of work to attempt perfection.
But Booth has a definite belief in heaven and hell and wants to go to heaven (and for Bones to, too - loved that line) and is quite uncomfortable with the inappropriate/sacrilegious behavior you previously mentioned. He may no be [b]deeply religious, but he's definitely religious, and that's uncommon on tv today (or on old tv, from what I've seen).
I kept staring at it going "booth, booth, booth..." trying to remember - I'm not quite coherent

I understand what you're saying about Booth [and religion in general]. Let me give a 'for instance' though... My dad was raised in a very strict Assemblies of God household [you didn't drink root beer because it was beer...]. I was raised not quite as strict [but playing cards... even for solitaire... *whew*!] and am not as strict, though there are certain things in particular I'll do my best to pass on to my kids.
Perhaps it's just where/how I was raised, but the 'no sex outside of marriage' one was a biggie. Dad frowns on drinking at all too [even my sister's wine coolers, but I don't like the taste anyway], but it's 'less' than the other [not that one sin is more or less than another - but you know what I mean...

] Maybe it's just how I was raised - and I know drinking doesn't have the stigma with Catholics as it does with many Protestants, but that's an example.
Anyway - yes, to this point, I do think Bones does a pretty good job with it [though part of me would like to see them address the issue - even if it's just Bones saying something about it when questioning his beliefs just... because, you know... *g*]
Anyway - I'm not sure what I'd see for Lois, but I could see Clark being raised in a church of some sort in Smallville. I think Islamic or Buddist or something would be harder to accept given where he's raised, unless it's something he found in his travels, you know? Catholic maybe for Lois - that seems to be the 'standby' for most TV shows [except maybe 7th Heaven]. Many TV shows have those who claim to at least be Catholic [Romano's in Everybody Loves Raymond, Joey in Friends [though he doesn't really claim to practice, just mentions his 7 Catholic sisters from time to time], several soaps, etc.] It seems if there is a religion mentioned regularly at all, it's Catholicism... I wonder why that is...