Beethoven wrote:
please don't persecute me,
I never read Ann's points as persecuting you at all, but rather as counters to the points which you had origiinally raised. As such they struck me as no more than part of the discussion.
And an interesting discussion it has been.
Btw, I've read The Da Vinci Code - a really good trash novel. Never violates the formual - keep your sentences short, your paragraphs not much longer, no chapter longer than 3 pages (at the very most!) and a cliffhanger wherever and whenever possible, plus a conspiracy theory involving a sensational topic - e.g. *the* Church, the Mafia. the American or Russian presidency. Also, a car chase would be nice.
I couldn't put it down .
Like many works of fiction, it takes bits of history as well as facts about current institutions and organizations and weaves a fictional tale through them. I don't think anyone believes that every novel she reads is totally fact.
As for the RC thing, well as someone who is married to a lapsed RC (of the Polish heritage variety:) ) and whose sister-in-law is stil a Believer (although of the birth control practising sort

) I've been in the middle of a few of these, uh, discussions

Even I, debate-lover that I am, cringe in the corner.
Still it is an interesting question about Lois and Clark's religion. I'd never really thought about it until QC raised the topic.
But clearly Clark was willing to marry (the first non-wedding) in a church and so he must have been okay with the belief system behind it. As the guy who stands for "Truth, J + tAW" it would strike me as OoC for him to swear his marriage vows in a church, otherwise.
Which is a surprising conclusion - I think I rather vaguely thought he was an agnostic. I remember being surprised by that church (and such a grand one!) when we first saw it because of what it implied.
But as was suggested above I can see that Martha (and Jonathan) would have been a church goer - but perhaps for small-town community related reasons as much for religious ones. At any rate, were that the case, Clark would have gone to church as a kid with them.
I guess stories of comic book superheroes are really just contemporary myths and myths were often (always?) stories with religious sub-texts.
To tie this in with L & C fanfic - are there any fics that portray either Lois or Clark as church-goers or as being adherents of a religion?