The religion of Lois Lane link covers a bit of L&CtNAoS.
Beethoven's mention of Dan Brown - as s/he indicates, be careful where you get your 'facts'. Acquiring 'facts' from someone else's fiction is downright dangerous. Personally, I trust Andrew Greeley's take on RC because he is a priest. (He spins a damn good tale as well.)
But generally, unless you have a character who is a 'fanatical' follower of his/her faith, a character isn't likely to get into deep religious discussions unless this is a key element to your story. (Humorous incidents in Sunday School not withstanding.) It will be a more subtle thing, like a character crossing themselves (RC or Anglican) after a prayer, or an older person sniffing at 'Papist frippery', or even a comment like 'I don't do Christmas.' The little Eastern European girl who refuses to wear slacks to work even when it's part of the uniform... as I said, subtle things. (All of these examples are RL, BTW. All comments from people I've worked with over the years.)