possibly an angel.) [Dance]
Check out Mike's signature at the bottom. The letters after it are 'ANG'. I always took that to indicate that he was indeed an angel. And doesn't he indicate at some point that he's Lois's guardian angel? Clark's? Sorry, haven't watched the episode in way too long, but I have a distinct memory of the term guardian angel being used early on. I could be making that up as I go along though.
That was one of the elements that I really didn't like about the whole concept of the wedding and that particular episode. The show had been nicely ambivalent about religion throughout and then suddenly we have God lending a hand to make sure Lois and Clark get married and guardian angels being sent down to smooth the way. Urgh. Sorry, but the entire concept wasn't for me.
Give me a nice, traditional wedding without the religious kinks any day of the week.