
I leave this thread alone for one day, and suddenly it's busier than an airport on holidays.
Originally posted by ccmalo:
random thoughts:
or the mere fact that comics and shows never really go into major religions in depth? (Except, of course, in an everyone's right *and* wrong spiel...)
Interesting observation. It never occurred to me that the "spiel" by the characters was Religious but instead as a reflection of a moral and ethical code. (Not saying that those who are Religious lack moral and ethical codes, however. )
Well, what I was actually referring to was the comics/shows' treatment of the metaphysical. DC seems to hold the position, "If you believe it, then it's true." Perhaps the phenomenon could be best summed up by this one scene from the movie Oh God:
A young guy has met God in person, and finally convinced others of this fact. A group of theologians send the kid a list of questions to ask, one of which is "Is Jesus Christ your son?"
God (played by George Burns) answers, "Jesus is my son. Buddah is my son. Mohammad is my son. Everyone in the world is my son." (Or words to that effect, in essence).
It seems like Hollywood is run by Unitarians.
It seems if there is a religion mentioned regularly at all, it's Catholicism... I wonder why that is...
That's because
Christianity is Catholic
Really, I don't know why, and the site linked above doesn't seem to know either, but it seems to put forth a few guesses. It's an addictive wiki for TV tropes and idioms, so click at your own risk.
I'm so glad y'all joined in to discuss this; and even better, there's no flames in sight! (knock wood...)
Though you have to be careful, I definitely shy away from saying "don't offend anyone" - no matter what you write about, you're likely to offend someone, so you can't let that stop you.
I understand the concept of treading lightly, as it were. But this is definitely something to think on, since fear of offending has killed many of the stories I've never written... *sigh* It's a thin, difficult line, isn't it?