Originally posted by C_A:
I never really noticed her to be religious, myself.
Neither did I. That was my point. She was never portrayed as "overtly religious" in my opinion and neither was Clark. We didn't really get to know anything about their political convictions, either (though I have my suspicions and ideas on which views they might hold). The 'Adherents' site we've all be looking it at is basically fan-fiction. (Although they might object to the term being applied to them.) And as with many writers working from other people's sources, one little throwaway line in the original (like Lois mentioning the 7 Deadly sins, or her recognizing the Archbishop of Metropolis on sight) can have scads of meaning - many times more meaning than the original writer intended. Sometimes all it is is a 'feeling' about the character.
To Eliot Maggin, the '70s Lois 'felt' RC. Others think the more current comic book Lois still 'feels' RC.
Frankly, I don't get that feeling off of any of the characters in LnC. I can't see Martha as a 'church lady'. But that's just me.