My story is pretty much like everyone’s so far. I was at my friend Lauren’s house when we saw the ads that the BBC was putting on for the Pilot. This was way back in 1993/4, I was 12 at the time and was just starting to appreciate cute pop stars and film stars! So I fell in love with Dean immediately, without even seeing one episode!
Anyway, I had seen the Superman movies but was never really into them but I totally loved the Pilot and was hooked from there on in, I think because its always been about Lois and Clark for me and not the whole superhero mythology.
Lauren and I would sit around one another’s houses on a Saturday afternoon waiting impatiently for the next episode, we’d talk about Lois and Clark constantly to our other friends who all thought that we were crazy for liking a ‘dumb’ show like Superman (which is what it is known as most of the time over here) I had every poster/ magazine article/ interview of Dean and Teri that I could get my hands on and taped all of the episodes from Sky One in late 96, (they repeated the whole 3 seasons before they showed Season 4 in 97)
As we got older her interest got less and less as I got more obsessed!

I was devastated when it got cancelled but still used to watch my tapes quite often, even when I went to Uni! I used to think that I was a little crazy for still liking a show that had been take off air years ago but then 18months ago I found all you guys who were just as obsessed as I was, so I wasn’t that crazy after all (well maybe not!
