In my opinion, the message boards are here for our stories to be posted in a final draft form to get honest comments, so that we can give them a last polish before they go to the Archive and get cast in stone. I'd feel cheated if my work only ever got "nice story, write more" comments.
I'm nitpicky in the sense that I will notice practically every mechanical error (grammar, spelling, punctuation) in a story, and they will pull my attention off the story and onto the writing. If there are more than about one or two errors per paragraph, like Wendy I'll either give up reading or skim - there's no hope I'll be able to concentrate on the actual story.
That doesn't mean I'll point them out. That (imho) is a BR's job, and it should be done in email, not in public. If there are just a couple of errors in a story by a solid writer, though, I'll probably point them out on the assumption that the BR missed them. I'll usually do that by email, too, because not everyone shares my passion for editing.

Besides, the writer may want to tell me to take a hike.
Errors of fact, characterisation, plot inconsistencies - those are fair game for the feedback folder, and I'll definitely point out anything I see (unless someone else has done so - then I'll refrain from jumping on the bandwagon).
As far as my stories go, I definitely want to hear about any of the above - unless it's a "correction" of a UK spelling or (in narration) phrasing.

I try to get the dialogue sounding American, but for the rest I write in British English. Of course, if it's something that gives a completely different impression in AE (like "solicitor" or, um, "beaver"

) then I do want to know.
Feedback folder or email? Well, if it's an obvious typo, either is fine. If you don't like my use of commas, though, email is better - because as my long-suffering GEs know, I will almost certainly argue.

If it's not a mechanical error, please feel free to point it out in the feedback folder - that's what it's there for, and the resulting discussions can be great!
One more observation - what goes around, comes around. I'm uncomfortably aware that while I post my stories here and ask for detailed, constructive comment, I don't often take the time to give the same care and attention to other writers' precious babies.

It's something I really ought put more effort into!