especially in stories that have been GE'd and are in the Archive. But I know that it's very hard to get everything just right.
And please do remember that the author also has input on the final version of an Archive story.
If an error is still in there, it's not always because the GE missed it but because they pointed it out, the author refused to change it, and it wasn't considered bad enough to merit a rejection of the story or the inclusion of an EIC editing disclaimer in the story file.
Vicki, I don't think that pointing out grammatical errors, tyos etc is at all unwelcome or unappreciated for the majority of authors posting on these mbs. I think most of us welcome it. Whether we welcome it on the mbs or privately, for whatever reason, is a separate issue, I think.
I'd certainly be more than delighted if you were to email me with a typo you'd spotted while reading one of my stories on the mbs. Beta readers and GEs can't be expected to catch everything. Not until we make them robotic at least.

With the best will in the world and no matter how many times it's proofed, something will always slip through.
I leave the spell-check and grammar corrections to the GEs because, frankly, I don't think it's much fun to have to keep my eyes peeled for that kind of stuff.
LOL, Lynn, I'm with you there. Of course, the EIC in me <g> should probably step in here to remind all authors that stories should be spellchecked
before they're submitted to the Archive. At the very least.

We like to make things as easy as possible for our GEs.