Very true, kmar! I continue to be amazed by the standard of English usage among our EFL (English as a foreign language) members, in comments posted on the boards and in stories. It makes me feel so ashamed of my own very limited foreign language skills. Many of the non-native-speakers have an understanding of English grammar far exceeding that of native speakers! And given that we have talented EFL authors like Anna and Kaethel and Cristina around, I'm very grateful that they've chosen to write in
my language!
Incidentally, the option in the poll about being less nitpicky with someone whose first language isn't English did make me wonder. I know at least one EFL writer who hates the thought of anyone 'making allowances' for the fact that English isn't her first language: she wants her stories to be judged on their merits, not on her country of origin, and she strives to have her work indistinguishable from that by a native speaker. How do other EFL writers feel about that option in the poll?