I'm glad I read this thread, as I have, on occassion, pointed out grammatical errors. I had always been under the impression that this type of feedback was welcome. Now that I understand it can be not only unwelcome, but downright annoying, I will cease and desist! I'll let the betas and GE's worry about that.
Normally, I do not notice errors, unless it is something jarring. Usually, I am so involved in the story, that my eye reads what the author intended, rather than what was actually written.
I do notice the language differences (BE vs. AE). If the character is speaking, it takes me out of the story, which I admit bothers me. I can't recall an example of this happening during introspection, but if it did, I would have the same reacton. If it is in the narrative, I'd probably smile to myself because I noticed the odd word (odd to me!), but it wouldn't bother me.
- Vicki