I've only emailed one author about a story and it was one on the archives. The story is THE ELEVATOR. At the end of the story they are parked outside of Clark's apartment and they are going to go into his apartment and then suddenly the author has them in Lois' apartment. I never heard back and it is still posted with the error. So I made the correction on the copy I saved to disk.
When I find new stories posted I save them to zip disks. When I open them in Microsoft Word, to read at my leisure, I always run spell check on them first. I find trying to read something with spelling errors very distracting. I guess that comes from being a secretary at a university 10 years. In fact have a dictionary/thesaurus program on my computer so I can look up definitions if I don't know the word used in a story.
So to all you authors out there keep writing, please keep your story line straight and so I don't get distracted by your spelling errors I'll keep running spell check before I start reading. That is easy the hard part is writing the story to begin with. So here is to you --