I have to admit to being obsessive about nits, especially in stories that have been GE'd and are in the Archive. But I know that it's very hard to get everything just right. I go over my stories a jillion times to get sentences just right and pick up punctuation errors.
Because of my vision, I tend to miss things. I sometimes can't tell if there is a comma where it should be or one where it shoudn't without blowing the screen up to 22 pt. type. I have to count on my GE to find those typos for me. Even then, things will slip through.I really appreciate it when readers point out errors especially when it's done courteously. Case in point: I recently had some very nice feedback on The Portrait. At the end, the reader pointed out in a humorous way, that I had misspelled Anthony in referring to Sir Anthony Haopkins. I had looked at that entry a hundred times and never noticed it, and many people read the story but never mentioned it. Someday when posting to the Archive is very slow, I'll correct that.
When I post to the MB's I'm looking not so much for nits, but for holes in the story, but I don't mind a little nit-picking so long as it's good natured and couched courteously.
As for introspection, it has to be in the voice of the character or it becomes a boring ramble.
