I used to loathe sprouts. But then, I used to loathe pretty much anything that was green and boiled, so that's not saying much.

However, a few years ago, I discovered Sophie Grigson's Brussel sprouts 'in disguise' recipe, and have since been converted.

(Basically, you shred your sprouts and stir fry them with olive oil, a couple of chopped garlic cloves and some chopped fresh parsley. Season to taste with salt and pepper.)

Am I eating sprouts on Christmas Day? No. I had a few when I went out for our work's Christmas dinner, but I'm not going to cook them for myself.

Instead, I'm going along the whole non-traditional cooking route, and am going to try out a recipe for sweet and sour chicken. smile


Edited to add: Well, bother! I forgot to buy the pineapple so, looking at the contents of my fridge and store cupboard, I think I'm going to have to cook chicken and mushroom casserole instead. Grrrr.