Blech! No Brussel Sprouts for me at all! I absolutely loath them. They're eaten all year round here, mostly in the sprout season. So my mom made me eat it when I was a kid. For years, I've tolerated it as long as I got a cold apple sauce with it. But the last five years or so, I just don't eat them anymore. Plenty of veggies I do like, so I stick to them.

Over here, it's not even tradional to eat sprouts with Christmas. As we can have them all year round, what's so special about it? So turkey is more traditional. Although we don't have anything specific anymore. The new fashion is to have a gourmet or stone spit-roater session with the family. So that's what I'll be having tomorrow. And then turkey on Boxing Day. laugh

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!