Sure... it got out of hand, became longer than intended... You know we don't buy that anymore, don't you? You're Wendy, the great Torturer (is that a word?? xD); if you don't give us endless chapters of pure angst, there is just no waff... Really, YOU COULD give us a break :p
Seriously now

. I really like your take on the events of BaTP/HoL. I like how Clark gave himself away in the earlir part, and how Lois lets him now that she has figured it out in this one. And I'm dying to see how Lois manages to convince Clark that her feelings are true, that it's not just love for Superman and his powers that she feels; because right now, with the mood Clark is in, I really thing she's got a tough job.
Anyway, another great part. Get righting that LAST part (and it'd better be the last...

unless, that is, you decide to treat us with more than one waffy and angstless part
