Though... this was Lois... He wouldn’t put it past her to break in. It wouldn’t be the first time.
And look! Remember what I said earlier about him *always* letting her in? It's a really, really great distinction here, showing that he only does it because he feels he has no choice.

He strode to the door and pulled it open.

“Hi, Clark.” She started moving forward immediately, taking her welcome for granted. As always. Not for Lois hovering on the doorstep, waiting to be invited in.
Ouch!! That resentment... wow. It's... it hurts. Resentment, resignation, despair, and hurt that's just unfathomable...

She was still wearing his sweatshirt. It felt... wrong that she was wearing it. Intimate, somehow, when he’d already decided to cut all contact. When she’d already severed what they’d had between them by rejecting him.
Okay... this just makes me want to cry. goofy

“Well, I was going to bed.” He wouldn’t give her an opening. She could say what she’d come to say, if she wanted, but she’d have to make it brief. He’d had more than enough of heart-to-hearts with Lois Lane for one lifetime.

“This is important, Clark.” Now, she was twisting her fingers, playing with her watch-strap. “We didn’t finish our conversation from earlier.”
/me scoots the very edge of her seat!!!

“The one in Italy. The one I only just understood.”
This is one of those knock the wind out of you lines... killer, Wendy. Just killer.

Which makes me curious... are the other readers still out there? Or did you off them with this line?

Again, so very cruel with the thingy placement. Who did we learn this from, hmm?

But it had all come together with that final penny dropping. If Superman had another identity - a life as an ordinary man - and she didn’t love him in that guise, then he had to be someone she knew.
Heee! So it did turn out to be enough to buy a clue! whinging

God. This was bad. She’d really destroyed any feelings he had for her, hadn’t she? He hated her. Didn’t want to be anywhere near her.
/me swallows the lump in her throat. whinging

But she couldn’t give up. This was too important. Clark was too important. And, even if he could never bring himself to be her friend again, she couldn’t bear to have him hate her.

Plus, once he’d had a chance to calm down, to think about things, he’d realise that she knew the truth - and he’d worry. Even if he wouldn’t let her do anything else tonight, at least she could assure him that his secret was safe.
That's... sweet. Really unselfish of her, and it shows just how much she cares for Clark.

“There’s nothing more to say, Lois.” He leaned against the wall, looking weary. “We said it all back there. It’s over. Go home. Please.”
whinging (Yes, I'm out of words for the moment... too much pain... ;P)

She shook her head. “I can’t. Not...” But his expression was closed off. She’d really made him hate her tonight. What could she do in the face of such hostility, such bitterness, from the man who’d once been her best friend? He didn’t want her here. Didn’t want to talk to her. The fact that she wanted to talk to him... well, did she really have any right to override his wishes like that?
This. Kills. Me. whinging

... my eyes are watering up for real now...

He’d let her talk to him in a day or two - unless she’d really managed to turn every feeling he’d ever had for her into hate, of course. Then... well, she didn’t know what would happen then.
Awwwww!!!! frown

“All right. If you insist. But there’s just a couple of things I have to say. If you still want me to go after... then I will.”
I really, really want to cry...

His sigh accepted the inevitability of her intent. “Go on, then.” Get on with it. Don’t waste any more of his time; what he wasn’t saying came across louder than words.
*gasp* Ouch... ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!! Ack! whinging

“Right. The first thing is... I’m not going to marry Lex. I’ll tell him tomorrow.”
I'm scared to scroll down... see how you've scarred me, Wendy? I'm holding my breath here because I'm scared of what Clark's going to say... he may stay silent after the first few things she has to say... but it's going to get caustic... peep

tbc... in the next post, I hope!! devil

Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆

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