“And that concerns me how?” He sounded bored, completely uninterested. But she’d seen the flicker of relief on his face.
OH GOD!! AWWAAACK! That should be illegal... putting those two emotions side by side. OMG. You kill me, crush my heart... and then... a flicker, barely a flash, of hope that just took all the searing pain in my gut and twisted it, made me catch my breath, and... I'm all choked up now. (And, sadly, this is not me being melodramatic... descriptive, I like to say

“You told me he’s dirty. I know I never listened before - and I didn’t even want to listen tonight, and I should have. Well, I’m listening now. If you tell me he is, then I believe you.” She shrugged faintly. “Anyway, I don’t love him. Never did.”
(Did I mention that it feels like someone has a hold of my stomach?

“So why were you even thinking of it?” Emotion from him, at last; his tone was actually incredulous. And he was looking at her, instead of at some point on the wall beyond her.
This... is the million dollar question... I'm scared to look... for Clark's sake... it might... hurt. And... everything after the question... I love every word. I'll just say that.
“It matters.” The tone was curt. But the words... weren’t. But now he was looking at the wall again.
Eeek! EeeeeeeeeK!!!!!!!!! I can't think of anything other than EEK! Check back with me later. Seriously.
Hands wrapped in the hem of the sweatshirt she was wearing - his sweatshirt - she stared at the floor. Saw the knots in the wood, the lines of the grain, without really taking it all in. “I... He proposed, Clark, and it was like something out of a fairy-tale. He’d taken me to Paris. In his private plane. I...
I'm butchering and cutting you paragraph here because... well... crap, that hit home. And now I get it. I really get it. Finally. The rationalization may not work for everyone as far as the eternal question in the fandom goes... but this works for me. I can believe that Lois, hard-bitten as she is, as much as she protests that she isn't the type to marry or need a man (and this is taking Clark out of the equation for obvious reasons), that deep down everyone dreams of that. And when Lois is not only the type that doesn't *want* to get married, she probably thinks she never will. Because she believes that she doesn't deserve it, doesn't think that anyone *will* ever want her. So when her world is in complete upheaval... and someone asks. Shows interest. Says he's in love with her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her... She's vulnerable and lonely as all hell. Why wouldn't she think about it... and perhaps even say yes because she doesn't think anyone will ever want her?
(As for almost really going through with it on the show... it's hard to go back on your word and admit you're wrong, especially when you're Lois... and your best friend has abandoned you.

have you ever been swept off your feet?” She didn’t give him time to answer. “Stupid question. When you can fly - I mean, who could sweep you off your feet?”
And, finally, to the rest of this paragraph

, I can't really say why, but I love that.
“You’d be surprised, Lois.”
OMG!!!!!!!! That's why I love it. OMGOMG! I... I'm speechless.
The words were muttered; had she even heard him correctly? But his whole posture didn’t invite questions; positively repelled them, in fact.
Now... where's part 4?