Wendy, you are slowly killing me! You have two stories here that are breaking my heart!!!
Okay, so I lie! More from this section!!! :
It all seemed to revolve around her claim that she knew him.
Ahh, the heart and soul of this story. Look at her go! Instead of whining about his behavior, she's going through it piecemeal, which someone with her investigative skills could get into trouble doing...
There was no point kidding herself. He was right. She really didn’t know Superman one bit. Because what he’d told her was momentous, and she’d never had a clue.
He had another life. One where he didn’t wear Spandex or save the world. A life as an... ordinary man.
And she knew him in that life.
And she didn’t love him.
Ha! Love this! It's so anticlimactic. There are no widening eyes, no moment of complete epiphany. Just a natural progression of thoughts leading up to the truth, which seems to come with a sigh and acceptance all at once. It's just perfect! Different
His shock was visible. He reeled backwards a little, and his face blanched.
He’d really thought she couldn’t have worked it out? God, he really did think she was stupid. He’d practically spelt it out for her, given her the letters one by one. Okay, it had taken her far, far longer to put it together than it should have. But then, who on earth would ever imagine that the guy they worked with daily - used to work with - and their best friend was really Superman?
It was one hell of a leap of logic.
No! He doesn't think you're stupid, Lois. CLARK, tell her you don't think she's stupid!!!!
“Look, Lois...” He dug his hands deep into his pockets. “If you knew I didn’t want to talk, then why did you come?”
God. This was bad. She’d really destroyed any feelings he had for her, hadn’t she? He hated her. Didn’t want to be anywhere near her.
In the face of his coldness, his bitterness... the way he’d just closed himself off from her... she quailed. Almost gave up and went home.
So I didn’t say no. Not then.”
“Not while you still thought Superman might...” The biting anger was back, and suddenly her mind flashed back to that moment in her apartment. Begging, pleading with Superman to love her, and after she’d rejected him only hours earlier... If she could only undo that. Yet she hadn’t known - couldn’t have known!
Then Clark sighed. “This is pointless. Lois, you now know why I couldn’t believe you. Let’s leave it at that. Go home.” He didn’t sound angry now; just very, very weary.
Heartbreaking! And Clark's right!!! How can she prove her feelings to him now!?!?
