So... you know when most people talk about feedback addictions, they're talking about craving feedback for their own work (which I do, of course), but me... I really have a problem, don't I? There's no cure for this, and it's only getting worse. And, of course, there's the horrid side effect of the added coloUr in my vocabulary. This. Is not. Good. <g>
She hadn’t even regained her balance fully before she heard the whoosh of his departure.
OMG! He really left! Yes, I know, this is the second time I've read this... but... it still hurts, Wendy.

It's... well, it's the fact that we all know Clark so well, and on the series he'd always threatened to distance himself from her, but never did (though who knows what would have happened if he'd actually had the guts to leave one of those tim... oh, wait...
Kaethel knows! <g>). When you get right down to it, no matter how mad Clark was with Lois, you knew he was dying not to be. And you knew he'd always answer the door if she came knocking, even if it would kill him to do so.
This time... god... he's so angry, so *hurt* that... he really does not want to see her again... because it. Hurts. That. Bad.
But why? What had she done?
And what right had he to be angry with her? To speak to her as he had? To accuse her of...
Ah ha!!! There's the rub! (I'm assuming this is the right expression... feels right... but...) This... for some reason, I was not expecting this, but it makes perfect sense. You can just about feel her confusion and anger roiling together inside her.
Once they’d talked, after Pakistan, he’d been insulting. Offensive. Almost as if he’d intended, wanted, to hurt her. He’d chosen words meant to wound.
I love that. "*wanted* to hurt her". I love that she sees that. See, Clark? See this?! She does know you.

Well, sorta...
Couldn’t see what was right under her nose.
Every word...

). This... this is why Clark believes that 'Clark is who he is'. Because *Clark* is entitled to have feelings, be angry, passionate, hurt... bend the rules when it comes to breaking and entering... To him, that's what makes him the human he longs to be. That's why Clark is so much more important to him than Superman is... at least when it comes to other people accepting him. (All the poor guy wants is to fit in.
The Lois he’d seen today wasn’t a Lois he wanted to know, anyway. She wasn’t the Lois he’d come to know over the past year. Wasn’t the Lois he’d fallen in love with.
It was after midnight! Who - ?
Stupid question. There was only one person it could be.
I LOVE THAT. And what was it I said last night? I think it was something along the lines of just being able to *feel* his resignation from such deeply rooted hurt.