Thanks for your kind words, Simona. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It was a fun one to write.

I'd like to think she'll remember everything she saw, and heard, and felt during the time loops, even if we'll never know for sure!
Well, I'm not entirely sure that you'll never know what happens next. I do have an idea for a possible sequel. Of course, there is no point writing it until after the year is up for posting. But then... maybe, maybe. laugh

As far as the DVD is concerned, I haven't had a chance to do much more than glance at it. But hearing about all the great stories, I have to admit, I am looking forward to it.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane