But it always bugged me somewhat that the attraction seems to have disapeared. If it were me, and I forgot that I was a hard bit reporter with a wall up to guard against people, I imagine that seeing Clark and knowing he was my fiance, would make me go week in the knees just a little.
Oh, Laura! I promise, she's still attracted to him. And she's wondering about him - a lot.
You've been busy lately, jeez. Three stories all rapidly out.
It's deceptive - most of what I'm posting now has been on my hard drive for months and months. blush
I agree that this is already better than the Dr. Doofus episode arc. Keep it up!
Thanks, Terry! I'm thrilled that you're reading. dance
I think Lois needs to go to the morgue [the one at the paper that is!] and start digging up stories. Surely she'll believe herself... though Lex did implicate Perry...
Lex implicated Perry *and* Clark. And Lois is going to spend some quality time with past stories on Lex - and her notes for the interviews. wink
I'm looking forward to see how you play out her relationship with Superman as well as Clark.
You won't have to wait too long, Lisa. I'm hoping to post either later tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks guys! I appreciate the comments more than you know. laugh

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis