A missing scene/rewrite from 'The Eyes Have It'. I was wondering one day why Clark suddenly found the courage to ask Lois out in 'The Phoenix'.
Wow--you had my interest immediately by only reading the summary! What a good idea to explore--never had had the thought of exactly why Clark finally asked her out when he did...(but honestly, just knowing it was one of your stories was enough of a reason to have me sitting down to read it--BIG fan! blush )

Like was mentioned earlier, I really enjoyed the story from Clark's perspective--and hearing what he thinks and how he internally reacts to Lois...I just love how he loves her so much--reading his thoughts was a pleasure.

"Sorry!" Lois pulls her hand away and I instantly miss her touch. I wish she'd do it again; give me that little piece of familiarity in the unrelenting darkness that has swallowed me whole. If it wasn't for the soothing and steady beat of her heart, I think I'd be in full panic mode right now.
This is exactly what I am talking about (as I sigh again thinking about this blurb smile ).

Lois takes a seat next to me on the couch. I can feel her staring at me, taking advantage of the situation to study me when she thinks I won't know. I guess I owe her as much for all the times I've gawked at her without permission. Watching Lois in the break area is the highlight of my mornings. I love the fall of hair across her face when she turns her head and the graceful motion of her hands as she prepares her coffee. I especially love it when she has to get something down off the top shelf. She'll go on tiptoe, elongating the already sleek lines of her calves, while all I can do is sit at my desk and watch in awestruck wonder.
And again...your insight into Clark's inner-workings is amazing! One of my favorite things to watch in the show is the looks Clark gives Lois--especially before they are together officially...you can tell that he is blown away by his feelings for her. I like that you included that element into your story b/c it is very "Clark" hyper --''according to my mom, I talk about Lois all the time"--LOVE! Such a simple sentence, but for some reason, it really did a lot for me...This insight added into the great conversation that was progressing between them.

Because that never happens, I think. It's a revelation to hear Lois Lane sounding so jealous. Over me. Not Superman, but Clark. You'd think every woman I meet flirts with me, if you believed her version of events
I love a jealous Clark, and a jealous Lois is pretty great, too blush

I'm expecting a denial, but instead she whispers, "I hate it when he smiles at her."

I'm shocked into silence.

She clears her throat softly and continues, "He used to smile at me like that. I guess it's true what they say – you don't know what you've lost until it's gone."
Lois really opening up...love to see that! And see the levels of emotion going on with her regarding Clark and Mayson and her true feelings...

"He's my best friend," she says softly. "And, most days, that's enough. But sometimes…" Her voice trails off and the apartment becomes so quiet that all I can hear is both our heartbeats.

The silence -- and my curiosity -- stretch on and on until they become exquisite enough to make me prompt, "Sometimes?"

"Sometimes…" She lets out a nervous laugh. "I don't know. Maybe you could hint to him, you know, that someone besides Mayson would like to go out with him."
The "but sometimes..." Oh--all the possibilities in that open line clap


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~