It was fun/interesting to speculate that Lois would be the only familiar thing he has left when he's stuck in the dark. I had recently rewatched 'Ordinary People' and his whole "being with you is stronger than me alone" speech was still in my head, so I went with the idea that, once he realized that he wasn't alone in searching for answers, he'd also realize that having Lois to help and believe in him is a driving factor in his life.
When I was reading your story, what really pulled at my heart, were the lines about how Lois was the one keeping Clark 'sane' (for lack of a better word) during the blinding crisis...That intimacy--that he knew he wasn't alone and could somehow get through this because he had Lois right there with him--was the emotional 'hook' that really got me. When you quoted the 'being with you is stronger than me alone' speech, I had a bit of a 'aha!' moment thumbsup

She really is. Mostly because she seems to focus in on the personality traits of her "rival" that mirror her own.
And she is very animated when jealous, too (thinking of Lois jumping on Clark's bed in The Rival). Getting Lois all worked up, in full-babble mode, is priceless dance

I don't understand how Clark can stand up to Lois (Sewage Rec. Fac) when he can't stand up to these other strong women in his life, especially when he loves Lois and doesn't love them.
So, IMHO, Clark's flaw isn't that he has a hard time standing up to strong females (because there are many more examples of him NOT having that problem: Lois, Toni Taylor, Diana Strideā€¦).
I was thinking about this off and on after I read the feedback tonight...guess I'll put my 2 cents in dizzy ), I never have thought much about anything that ever happened btw Clark and Toni Taylor/Diana Stride/etc...I really only saw them as 'episode story-lines'--didn't mean much of anything to Clark, so didn't think much about his interactions with them.

Basically, I get the feeling from Clark that he is SUPER polite (maybe a bit to a fault sometimes), but not a pushover. He wanted Lois from the get-go and didn't stray from his heart. As Lois says about Clark, to her mother in INPY, "He made me notice him" (I think that's the quote anyway--late, sleepy, and a little out if it now confused ). Point being, he was focused on Lois, and not too much on anyone else...

Tangent, I'm sure, beaten to death with a large stick now--sorry peep . Officially done.....I think. blush


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~