There are few things that can compare to the joy of checking the boards and finding lovely, lovely comments waiting for you.
John - Thank you! I find it fun that we can all still find new things in the characters after all this time.
Artemis - Thanks! Glad you liked it! Sadly, the "urge" that started this story occurred about four years ago. When I was going through all the snippets and unfinished ideas on my laptop a few months ago, I found it. It was short and it was almost done, so that made it easy to salvage.
Laurach - Thank you! There's always more lurking in our imaginations, isn't there?
Laura - Half the fun of a comments thread is reading everyone else's perspective on the characters. I know I've had my eyes opened or my mind changed on more than a few occasions due to the insight from another FoLC.
what really pulled at my heart, were the lines about how Lois was the one keeping Clark 'sane' (for lack of a better word) during the blinding crisis...That intimacy--that he knew he wasn't alone and could somehow get through this because he had Lois right there with him--was the emotional 'hook' that really got me. When you quoted the 'being with you is stronger than me alone' speech, I had a bit of a 'aha!' moment ...I always understood what Clark meant when he told Lois that line, but I sort of took it for what was said--you totally illustrated what he said by his inner-working thoughts in this story! Very effective.
That is so gratifying to hear! That's
exactly the tone I was trying to achieve.
And she is very animated when jealous, too (thinking of Lois jumping on Clark's bed in The Rival). Getting Lois all worked up, in full-babble mode, is priceless
I question how they made Lois so over-the-top jealous in 'The Rival', but I do enjoy when Clark (deliberately) pushes her buttons and she tosses him out of her apartment. And, yeah, I did/still do laugh at her checking the bed in his apartment.
My take on it is that the only reason that Clark DOES stand up to Lois--repeatedly--is for the fact that he loves her. He cares what is going on in her life, about her safety, well-being, etc., so he has no other choice in his mind than to tell her what he thinks and feels.
Oooh! I like that! See, that's what I mean by finding new things in the characters.
And that is exactly why he maybe seemed aloof with Mayson--or maybe 'indirect' is the better word. IMO he seemed to put enough effort into his 'friendship'--we'll call it that--with Mayson to be polite, but I don't think he took a stance with her, in much of any way, because he didn't have the need, or feelings for her, to make the effort.
Yes! He was very nice to Mayson, but he never
pursued her. He never asked her out. To our knowledge, he only ever called her when he was looking for information.
(The cabin in the woods thing has always been a mute point to me--Clark never officially gave an answer, so didn't stand her up--Mayson, she just sorta threw it out there, in my mind WAY too early and out of the blue--and b/c of Clark's indirect answer, should have not assumed one way or the other an outcome).
Yes, exactly! It was much too early in their "relationship" to be asking that sort of thing. And he never answered, so it's insane to believe that he was agreeing to the idea. I'll skip over discussing Lana, just because she's in his past and, whatever he might have felt, it was never anything more than puppy love. I only mentioned Diana and Toni because they were the first examples that came to mind. Like you said, he's unfailingly polite (as both Clark and Superman) to them, but he doesn't take much crap from them, either.
He wanted Lois from the get-go and didn't stray from his heart. As Lois says about Clark, to her mother in INPY, "He made me notice him" (I think that's the quote anyway--late, sleepy, and a little out if it now). Point being, he was focused on Lois, and not too much on anyone else...
Very well put! I tend to err on the side of him feeling something different when he first met Lois. It was attraction, yes, but there had to be something else for him to stay interested after she was so awful to him. Like he tells her in 'Battleground Earth', the day he met her he finally felt like he belonged. Even though that probably wasn't the instruction they gave back when they were filming the Pilot, he certainly looks thunderstruck at their first meeting.
Tangent, I'm sure, beaten to death with a large stick now--sorry . Officially done.....I think.
Naaaah. There're still plenty of details to obsess over. <rubs hands in glee>
My thanks to everyone for commenting. You absolutely make my day!