"I don't know," she says after several seconds thought. "Laundry, maybe."
"On a Friday night?" I don't believe her for a second. "It's going to ruin my image of Lois Lane if you're serious."
So there I was, late last Friday night--with the kiddos asleep and my husband napping on the couch--catching up on our laundry

...some sort of 'familiarity' kept nagging at me while I was putting clothes away, and then your story popped into my head again LOL...Point being, my husband and I have GOT to go out on a date night sometime soon

), I think--and this is all IMHO--it all comes back to Clark's origins. By the time Clark arrives at the Planet, he has been 'different' for many years. He has hidden who he is--from everyone he has ever known (barring his parents, of course). He has been on-guard constantly, and he has been putting distance between himself, and
literally the rest of the world, by traveling place to place. Getting a job at the Planet was probably a dream of his--but would he really have stayed around long enough to make it his reality? Don't know.
And see, I think the reality of what 'clicked' for him--what made him WANT to fight to have a normal life--was meeting Lois. I think he instantly was attracted to her when she steam-rolled into Perry's office (maybe a 'love at first sight'?), but I think it was him
identifying with her that forged his deep, early connection to her. He had been alone, and outsider, up to this point, and I think he saw himself in Lois--which would have been a connection he had never experienced.
Lois came across as different. Everyone sort of kept their distance from her, somewhat intimidated, or not knowing how to connect with her. She pushed people away--something Clark had been doing out of necessity. She put up a front--hiding her true self from everyone--and because of this, she was alone...exactly like Clark. She had issues, as an adult, that were from her childhood experiences, and as Clark learned about her early life, he could understand some of her insecurities b/c he felt some of that himself (due to questions about his past, and also, his current life).
I think Clark saw right through Lois' 'game' when he met her b/c he was playing the same 'game' himself. And this was HUGE for Clark--giving him familiarity that he had never had before. Hence what he says in BE: "I kept waiting for some incredible feeling of connection--a feeling that I was exactly where I belonged. But that's only happened once in my life....the day I met you." I don't think it took him very long at all to really 'get' Lois--and when he did, he fell whole-heartedly in love with her.
And to get Lois into the conversation (hey, why not?

)). Everyone else kept their distance, due to Lois' actions mostly, so Clark stood out immediately to her--and looks GREAT in a towel, but that's a whole other topic
