A missing scene/rewrite from 'The Eyes Have It'. I was wondering one day why Clark suddenly found the courage to ask Lois out in 'The Phoenix'.
Someone slipped him one of Sue’s racier stories?
If it wasn't for the soothing and steady beat of her heart, I think I'd be in full panic mode right now.
A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth - she never stops investigating, no matter the circumstances. "I live alone, Lois."
"Oh," she says and I can hear the faintest tone of satisfaction in her voice. "Well, I guess not, then."
"Because then I'd be just as forward as she is!" Lois sounds horrified at the idea. "I want him to date me because it was his idea and not because I chased him.
Well… /points at Strange Visitor and Nightfall (okay that was Superman) and Pheromone and HoL (okay that was Superman)/
Why can't he flatter me, like he does Mayson?"
Because she told him hands-off on numerous occasions?
Except he's required to be with me, and chooses to be with her."
Aaaaaahhh now we’re getting somewhere.
And once that's settled, you're going to tell Clark to suck it up and ask me out. Okay?"
