You summed up the Mayson storyline perfectly here:
That poor girl never, ever had a chance.
All of my rambling, and really, that said it all

Anyway, to sum it up, the only way IMO that Dan was a more viable opponent to Clark (than Mayson was to Lois), was because Lois, at this point, didn't have all of the information (re: Clark=Superman) at her disposal, and Lois was, due to her upbringing/etc., more gun-shy than Clark with truly acknowledging her own feelings.
'Second Honeymoon', over on the nfic side of the boards
Funny you should mention that...about to start reading part 18!

Amazing! (First nfic I have ever read--and definitely will now be reading more). I read Honeymoon in Vegas last spring (till 4:00 am one night

), and discovered your new story a few weeks ago. Thought about commenting as I went along, but kept wanting to get to the next part. I've been reading each chapter--along with each comment thread (they are great, too!)--but now that I'm getting closer to catching up, I've been slowing the reading down to 'enjoy' it longer

. LOVE this story! Will post when officially caught up
One of the most endearing things about Clark is that he never gives up on her. He's willing to be whatever she needs -- a partner, a friend, a shoulder to cry on -- so long as it keeps him in her life.
Exactly why I love his character. My favorite thing about Clark is how he loves Lois, so purely, and so completely. The feelings he has (and later, that they have for each other) elevated their relationship, IMO, over so many other shows or stories I've seen.
If nothing else, this tangent has demonstrated that there's at least one other FoLC out there who shares my view on the characters. Like Clark, it turns out I'm not alone, either. It's a wonderful feeling.
Definitely agree--and now I understand why your stories have always stood out so much to me!

. Very similar takes on these characters, and their story. Please--keep writing your wonderful stories, Sue!
Next up: Any and all discussions about towels