Right... I was excited to see Superman being made into a movie, I loved the whole idea of it, but if I'm honest, I expected to hate the film itself. I expected to be disappointed. I mean, Brandon Routh? What was this pretty boy doing in a cape and suit? Kate Bosworth? And a *kid*? C'mon!

So... maybe it was because my expectations were so low going in that I was so completely blown away.

I loved it. Absolutely. Loved. It. Loved it so much I think I made my girlfriend jealous. wink

I've seen it twice in three days, and I'm contemplating my third trip tonight.

I'm sold on Routh. I'm sold on Bosworth. I loved the way they handled the situation with Jason, and I even loved Richard's character. Wasn't entirely sold on the back story, but I think it served it's purpose well. The only real nitpick I had was that they let slide the perfect opportunity to build up Clark's character. If he'd been out "finding himself" for years he's bound to come back with something close to a personality... But I knew going in that Superman was the real character, so I wasn't too disappointed.

The special effects, as expected, were amazing. Not much more needs to be said about that, except that they always got good capage. laugh

I have so many unanswered questions, but I love the way the movie ended. As far as I'm concerned, it was perfect. I'll definitely see the sequels (I've heard that two are contracted), but I'm almost content to let the story end there. To leave the questions unanswered. To let the little tells give me the rest of it. There were so many scenes in this movie that said so much more...

My favourite scene had to be the scene when Martha was outside the hospital, unable to get inside, just a face in the crowd. Crushed me. Closely followed by the plane scene, and the scene at the end when he repeats the words he was told, and then there's the scene where Lex is in the Artic, and... I'd go on, but I'll spoil the whole lot. I loved, loved, loved spotting the landmarks from Sydney! And the taxi that Lois caught - I've seen it up close. <g>

I think I'm going to have to go hunt down this novel.

'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters