Well, as I say, my jury is still out on this one and will be until I finally rent it on DVD at some point.

But, even so, I took serious umbrage the other day when during a news report on it (let's get past my persistent grumbles that entertainment news has no place on a hard news program. :p I've been whining about that for over a decade now and they don't seem to be paying attention any. goofy ) heard the reporter call this version of Superman a 'mincing metrosexual'. shock Apparently, the 'touchy feely' bits didn't impress him. :rolleyes:

Another odd thing I've encountered recently is that over the past week, in three separate news reports, I've heard the reporters musing over how odd a name Brandon Routh is. One presenter even mused thoughtfully, "A man's name, followed by a girl's name. Odd."

Now, I don't find anything at all odd about the name. Or even unusual. Anyone else? I was just struck by how silly these guys were being finding it strange at all! But it was curious that it came up three times on separate programmes. Rather than it being just one idiot. laugh

Oh and saw part of an interview with Singer in which he admitted that part of BR's appeal and why he got the job was because of his resemblance to CR - which would seem to lend weight to the suspicion that any copying of CR's mannerisms, inflections in this movie were more as a result of direction than actor's choice. I think, personally, that was a mistake. But, you never know, might change my mind when I see it. wink

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers