1. Time: At first, I thought this movie was going to be set back in time some years because of the ancient truck and radio at the Kent farmhouse, and then Jimmy's bowtie ensemble seemed to clinch it. It wasn't until the kid pulled out the cell phone to take a picture that I realized that wasn't the case. Then the radio and the truck seemed a little over the top. The bowtie thing was just plain silly.
But we saw the computers and such at the DP much earlier in the movie. And there was the entire thing with the spaceplane. I don't have a problem with the bowtie - it's just something frequently associated with Jimmy.

2. Superkid: The only way this movie works is if there's some other scenario for the kid's conception besides the one given to us in Superman II. There has to be. It's reallly squicky otherwise.
Yeah, I wish they'd been clearer on the "vague history" thing so I knew exactly what counted.

3. Loose ends: I hope Superman rounded up Luthor and Kitty before they ate the Pomeranian. I also hope he went to see his mother.
Same here.

You got *plenty* of romance if you paid attention, I think some here are just disappointed because this *isn't* "Lois & Clark," far from it. As a lifelong Superman fan though, personally I loved every minute of this experience - SIX times so far LOL! [Wink]
I thought there was tons of love, if not romance. It just permeated the movie to me. Their feelings were strong and intense and it was wonderful to me.