EDIT - okay, I've found some places where it is stated that this movie is based in the same universe as the one established in the first two Reeve-as-SM movies, thus Lois forgetting about her night with SM. And...I don't like this!! I hated that they pulled the old memory-wipe trick to put Lois back at square one. I think I might continue to believe my original assumptions, that Lois did remember her night with Supes. Denial is not a bad option...
Not established. Singer first said it used the first two movies as a vague sequel. Then as an alternate Supes III. Then that only the first movie counted as a history - and the writers weren't even completely discounting III and IV (though how that works with Martha alive, I don't know). I really don't think the amnesia kiss is being used as a history here. But I guess we'll have to wait for the sequel to know definitively.