I'm just observing here, but it seems to me like you went into this movie with disdain from the beginning, rather than an open mind?
I was quite possible prejudiced, disdain is far to strong a word. The L & C series have given me rather particular views of what the characters entails.
I expected good CGI, a sucky Lois, and a plot with some twists(maybe even without kryptonite). Got two out of three.

Do I need to go on - because believe me I can?
No, I think you have demonstrated the amount of humor or lack there of adequately.

What movie did you see again?? Most people were worried that Superman would not even *survive!*
Sorry, but was the theatre filled with ten year olds? How anyone above that age could imagine that Superman wouldn’t come through in a Hollywood movie is simply beyond me.

Some of the scenes near the end that I believe were touching and emotional:
Well perhaps I’m just jaded but what would you do with a injured hero? Frantic hospital ride, Lot of interested bystanders, grieving women, and now the little boy will kiss him good by. Yep there he goes.

Guess that says more about you than the film itself? I'm sorry that you didn't feel anything for the characters, truly.
Don’t worry about it. I have seen what I perceive as mediocre character interaction and scripting before without it adversely affecting my well being, but thank you for your concern.

Since you seem to find my negative view disturbing you should perhaps know that very few films get me jumping in my seat. smile

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...