CC, what a perfect ending to a marvelous, wonderful, superlative, imaginative, romantic, amazing, incredible, awe-inspiring story. Very big happy sigh. But I'm going to miss it. smile

Everyone has already made so many wonderful, insightful comments that I want to say that I agree with all the well deserved compliments and accolades to you above.

Here are some of the things I loved:

Silas - what a marvelous character. I laughed every time he called Lois "Grams," and she reacted to it beautifully - gracious, gruffly affectionate and intelligently Lois all the way. I loved his crush on Lois, the way he gamely re-grouped when he realized he was developing a thing for his great, great, great, great.....grandmother. I loved how he asked if she was willing to fly with him and her response that she was good at flying with new Supermen. I loved their exchange about his deep desire for someone to love and be his partner. VERY nicely done. And I really liked the way Lois not only, in typical Lois fashion, realized that any attempt she made to assure Silas that he would find his own (sorry) soulmate, would just sound empty as she could barely believe it herself (very insightful) but was her usual perceptive, all seeing self and noticed the SECOND that Silas was thunderstruck by Petal, and her memory that she had seen the very same reaction from Clark, to her! laugh I loved his rapport with Clark and the way Clark honestly explained to him that he didn't grow up aware of his "destiny" - that he was just himself and was slowly learning how to be Superman. After all, he'd only attempted one rescue (but a pretty spectacular one!) at that point. And I loved the way that Clark recognized so many things about Silas - and his instant understanding of what a "throwback" was and his instant realization that Silas was THIS century's Superman. thumbsup

The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.