I'm sure CC will be back to give her answers, but I thought I'd take a sec to give my views on Shelia's comments.

When Madge said that Utopia wasn't wired to monitor itself, I didn't take that as meaning that they literally had equipment everywhere and everywhen. I personally took it to mean that from Utopia, they were looking back across the entire timestream, monitoring everything that had come before. Sort of like standing on a hill with a telescope looking down at everything below you. You don't need cameras and lenses on the rest of the hill. You just need to be able to sweep around with your telescope.

With the way the scope works, however, you'll have more trouble seeing things up close. They'll be out of focus. You'd need an entirely different setup to see what's right around your own feet, and the Peacekeepers' equipment isn't set up to do that. Why? Partly for the privacy of the current incarnations. Partly because if everyone knew who the current incarnations were, they'd be swamped all the time and treated oddly and all that. Partly because there's no real need. The Peacekeepers' job is to monitor the past to make sure nothing happens to prevent Utopia from being established. With that goal in mind, there's no need to monitor what's going on in Utopia itself. Maintaining things in the present is for the Justice League to do.

That's my view, at least.

As for the thing about Silas, I should probably just let CC answer for herself. My guess, though, as long as I'm writing, is that she meant Silas's big reaction was going to be for Petal who is, oddly, more his soulmate than Lois. Very small difference from what you said, but if CC had said "yes, you're exactly right!" that would have been a big spoiler. It's not that what you said was inaccurate. It's that it wasn't the full truth.

Moving on to bigger things -- Madge's thoughts on ressurection. The Peacekeepers aren't the ones who moved L&C in time. That was Tempus's doing, and Tempus is evil. There's also the fact that he didn't ressurect them. He kidnapped them to another time. Madge going back for Tempus would be different because the circumstances and intentions were different. Going back for Tempus would have meant deliberately going back to a moment soon before his death with the express purpose of circumventing/preventing that death. That's a ressurection.

Tempus, OTOH, went back in time to a point long before L&C's death, with the intention of changing their destinies. They'd still live about as long as they otherwise would have, but they'd be living in a different place in time. More to the point, by removing them, he'd change the past and prevent Utopia's founding.

It has nothing to do with their deaths. It's about changing their lives. Which is also immoral, but less so, and, as stated, Tempus is evil. The Peacekeepers' purpose in going back in time was not to monitor the event, but to prevent Tempus's interference. They were going to stop a kidnapping, not to preform one.

So -- Changing the timestream for evil purposes is bad. Going back in time to prevent a death is worse. Going back in time to stop someone from changing the timestream is not bad.

Just like holding a gun on someone for the purpose of robbing them is bad. Shooting them is worse. Taking the gun away from someone (which also involves the physical act of holding the gun) in order to prevent a robbery is not bad.

That's how I see things, anyway.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.