Okay, I for one am glad this thing if finally over. What a piece of crappola this story was.

Come on, gentle readers, who wants to read something that's clever and original? If that was what we were after we could read a book.

And sharp and witty dialog? If we want that we can just watch a Star Wars movie... oh wait, forget I said that.

And a sex scene? Come on people, we all know that Lois and Clark would never fall into bed together. Who'd believe that moralistic uptight Clark, and defensive, 'no time for men' Lois would decide that this would be the perfect time for a little bedsheet samba.

But what was the worst? I mean the terrible ommission that just screams out at the gentle readers? Lois didn't get her haircut! How could such a necessary part of any Lois and Clark fanfic be forgotten?

Couldn't you just imagine how much fun it would have been for Lois to have had to cut her hair to play the part of a 'later' version of herself, then once she and Clark make it back she suddenly has to figure out how her hair got so short.

I guess we can all just thank our lucky stars that CC has gotten this fic out of her system and can get back to writing something we've all seen time and time again.

Tank (who actually was a little bothered by Lois and Clark 'sleeping' together in this context)