Yes, hooray!!! I didn't get to read your story last time until it disappeared! I'm so glad to see it back.

Oh, damn, DJ, I love the beginning of this story! (Actually, I love the rest of it, too, but don't distract me now, hmmm?) Just consider this:

He looked like he was obsessing.

She hated it when he obsessed. He over-thought and over-analyzed things way too often. He, of course, said she didn’t analyze things enough... but maybe that’s why they made such a good team.

Well, one of the reasons, anyway.
Hmmm, yes, good analysis of Lois and Clark... so what could the other reasons be why they make such a good team?

She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. “Honey?”

“Mmm,” was the only answer she got.

She tried again, moving her kisses from his mouth, across his jawline and down the side of his throat to that particularly *sweet* spot of delicate skin just above the collarbone. She sucked gently. “Honey?”
Aaaaawwww!!!! That particular sweet spot of delicate skin just above Clark's collarbone, which, of course, only Lois knows about.... You realize what a happy smile you put on my face every time you do that, DJ? laugh

“Lois? You do realize that we’re already ten minutes behind schedule?” he finally responded. The look on his face, though, told her that he didn’t really care.

“Ah, so you are actually awake and not sleep-dressing? I was beginning to wonder when I realized you’d put on brown socks with your blue suit,” she teased him.

He looked down, wiggling the toes on his right foot, and smiled sheepishly. “I swear they looked black when I put them on.”

“Well, that wasn’t the only indicator that I had a problem on my hands. If I hadn’t taken the can of shaving cream away from you and handed you your hair gel, you were going to try applying it to your hair.”
Oh, oh, so lovely. This distracted darling of a mildmannered superhero hunk is a side of Clark that only Lois gets to see, I'll bet! (Unless he really makes it to the office with brown socks to his blue suit now and again? Hmmm... what else could he be forgetting? Whooops! My mind is bursting with outrageous images, but let's try to stay focused, now.... laugh )

She rolled her eyes at him. “Just stuff. That’s all you’re gonna give me?" She poked him in the ribs, doing her best to find his ticklish spot. It wasn’t easy to find. When he finally did a funny little dance and jerked away from her touch, she knew she’d found it.
And only Lois can find his one ticklish spot! Did you know they once mentioned this spot in the comics, too?

He reached out and pulled her into his arms and gave her an affectionate squeeze. “Everything you do has an *effect* on Superman.” He kissed her hungrily.

She pushed him away, protesting, “Nuh-uh. No way, Kent. I’ve let you wriggle out of explanations this way before. To this day, there are still things that I know I meant to find out from you, but for some reason the details are hazy.”
Ooooohhh!!!!! So totally adorable!!!

“I know how you feel. I know how much you want to have kids and how much you’ll adore them when you do have some of your own...”

“Some?” He raised his eyebrows at her.

She felt her cheeks flush. “Well, once we found out we could have kids, I didn’t figure we’d stop at just the one." She reached down and rubbed her stomach affectionately. It had only been a few months since the Supermen had united together to defeat Tempus... but she and Clark had made good use of the time.
Are you saying that Lois and Clark have a little Lane-Kent on the way??? (Please say they do!!!! grovel )

“Honestly, I hope they end up together. In my opinion, poor Richard doesn’t have a chance.”

He caught her meaning. “Really? You think she finds Superman that irresistible?”

She smiled mischievously at him. “Lois Lane able to turn down Superman? Yeah, I’d like to see that happen in any universe.”

“So does that mean...” He began to loosen the knot on his tie, sliding it down his chest, "...that I’ve got you at my mercy?"

Aaaaahh!!! Yes!!!!

<<<“Do you want this, Clark?” she asked him pointedly. “I want to make love to you, Clark. Isn’t that what you want...?”

She watched the muscles in his throat work as he swallowed nervously. “Yes, but...”

“No. No buts. If you don’t want to do this, if you tell me you want me to stop, I will. I would never force this on you. But you have to tell me that you don’t *want* this. Tell me, Clark. Tell me you don’t *want* this, that you don’t *want* me.” Her voice was raw and pleading.

“I...” She ran her hands up his chest and pulled lightly at the collar of his suit. “Oh, god, Lois. You have no idea how much I *want* this.”>>>
I love it! A flashback to that wonderful story you wrote about Kate-Lois and Brandon-Superman's lovemaking in his Arctic Fortress!

Her mind flashed back to the feeling of that body beneath her fingers. He was the strongest man in the world and yet somehow he made himself so soft for her. His skin had been so alive with warmth and velvet perfection as she slid her fingertips across the lines of his chest.
And this... the sheer sensual beauty of this is... amazing.

Clark glanced up at her, noticing the way she was staring at him. “Lois, is something wrong?”

She flushed and looked away quickly, becoming fascinated with the last inspection notice of the elevator. It had been a while. It was probably due for some service. “No. I’m fine.”
And this little snippet... I keep telling you I love things about your story. But I adore this. This totally exquisitely perfect little piece of realism is just so... perfect. Can't all of us female readers sympathize with Lois's embarrassment and her need to look somewhere else when Clark has caught her staring at him? And isn't it so typical that our gaze so naturally drift to any written message in our proximity? And what would that written message be in an elevator, if not an inspection notice? And isn't it true that any time you actually happen to look at the inspection notice in an elevator, it turns out that the elevator hasn't been inspected for quite some time (so for all you know, it could be crashing down about now)?

I love it, DJ. Pure genius!!!

As they walked past Clark to go out the door, Jason shook his hand free from his mom’s and walked up expectantly to Clark. Clark knelt down where he was more at Jason’s level and Jason wrapped his arms around him, giving him a quick hug.

“Thank you,” the boy chirped happily and started to turn away, “...and thank Superman.”

“You’re... welcome,” Clark cleared his throat. “I will.”
Oh, this is so painful! Jason doesn't know that that Clark is Superman (though he did figure it out in the movie - not that that detail needs to be there in your story) and he doesn't know that Clark, or Superman, is his father. Talk about making Clark feel lonely and ignored, when Jason doesn't pay him more attention than that (even though Jason was being a nice and well-behaved boy when he thanked Clark as much as he did).

He had fallen asleep so many nights thinking of her and wishing there were some way he could have a life with her.

And he could have... if he had only been braver. If he only hadn’t left.

Now it was too late.
Well, heartbreakingly enough, it may indeed be too late, at least in the movie world of Superman. I'm sure we all hope it's not too late for Lois and Clark in your story though, DJ!

[Lois? Lois, oh my god, what happened to you, honey?] Richard was saying. He ran to her, embracing her tightly. He kissed her fiercely on the lips and then hugged her again. [I was so scared. Are you all right?] He put one arm around Jason, bringing him inside the hug he was sharing with Lois.

Clark blocked out the sounds and looked away, unwilling to watch any more. His heart constricted inside his chest.
So unbearably painful!

It was a picture of Richard and Jason at the lake. Jason was much smaller, maybe three-years-old? Clark wasn’t sure. He hadn’t been around children enough to be able to tell how old they were.

Jason had a pair of brightly-colored blue inflatable water wings on his arms. Clark looked a little closer and realized they had a familiar red and yellow crest on them.

That was odd. He thought Lois had been furious at him after he’d left. Why would she have let their son wear Superman... anything? He would have thought she would have banned the name from her house after everything that had happened.

Then he kicked himself... of course at that point she didn’t remember everything that had happened. She just knew Superman was gone and she didn’t know why.
This is so poignant and painful, too. Lois had given her young son inflatable water wings with Superman's red and yellow 'S' on them. She really ought to have hated Superman for leaving her after making her pregnant, but, indeed, she didn't remember that Superman was Jason's father, because Clark had stolen her memory of it. (And how ghastly would it be to be pregnant and have no memory of when and where and with whom it happened?)

One more picture caught his eye. It was taken when Jason was really small; it looked like Richard was teaching him how to walk. Jason’s little hands were wrapped tightly around Richard’s two index fingers and he had one little foot propped up in the air to take that next step.

Clark would be there for him because he *wanted* to be...

But also because he knew Jason needed him to be there.

Richard had taught him how to walk, but, when the time was right, Clark would teach him how to fly.
Like everybody has pointed out already, this is just so wonderful, DJ.

Yay!!! This is a wonderful start. Please come back with more soon!
