I enjoyed the earlier one but I am having trouble getting in to this one.

My problem is that the Richard of Superman Returns is very like the Clark of LnC and the Clark of SR is still just a cardboard cutout.

It was clear in S2 that Superman in that 'verse could not have sex while superpowered. It was also clear that Lois didn't have any interest in the unpowered Clark. Period.

In SR when Richard asks Lois if she loved Superman her answer makes it clear that what she loved was the costumed superhero not the man in the suit.

And I can't picture Clark in any 'verse NOT understanding the bond between Jason and Richard.

Clark better than anyone can understand, after all he knows how he and Jonathan felt about each other.

I'd like to see an SR story wherein Clark levels with Richard, not Lois, and Richard starts including Clark as a "Uncle" in things.
