She reached down and rubbed her stomach affectionately. It had only been a few months since the Supermen had united together to defeat Tempus... but she and Clark had made good use of the time.
Is she pregnant, is she????

“Lois Lane able to turn down Superman? Yeah, I’d like to see that happen in any universe.”
No kidding!

He was waiting for her to make up her mind, to come to a decision. She hadn’t given him a decision, yet. She hadn’t told him to get lost, that she and Richard were going to get married and live happily ever after.
Honey, if you were going to marry Richard, you would have done it a loooooong time ago. Stop kidding yourself.

Clark watched her go, feeling like she was taking a piece of his heart with her. He was going to lose her. He didn’t know how he knew it, but he just knew it.
no,no,no,no,no. Because DJ is not that mean. She and her muse are going to give us a nice, sweet, waffy story. Aren't you, DJ?????

Richard had taught him how to walk, but, when the time was right, Clark would teach him how to fly.
Still love this line!

I am so glad you didn't give up on this story, DJ. Looking forward to more!

lisa in the sky with diamonds