Thanks, Roger, for finding those typos. smile blush I should have proofread better.

Thanks, Maria, Blayne, Tank, and Merry for your comments.

I have to admit that the one thing that stuck out for me was how unusual it was for it to arrive pretty much exactly where the episode did. Usually in fic rewrites, there is 'something more' arrived at between Lois and Clark. In this one, It seemed as if they arrive at the same understanding of each other that they did at the episode, just took a slightly different route to get there.

I realize that the point of your story was to show Clark's lunkheaded thought processes, and you did a good job of that. It just struck me how similar your 'payoff' was to the actual episode.
Hmm, interesting. That was exactly what I had tried to do -- take a different means to the same end. I didn't realize that it wasn't commonly accepted. But even if it isn't, oh well, I don't usually write stories that are the norm smile . I ended the story where I did because I wanted to end it with a reference back to "speed" and I didn't yet want to write a revelation. I am not sure if I need to add anything -- or if I need to change anything.

I am not sure if you meant that I should change anything or not. Is it bad that I ended teh story in the same place as the show? I think that leaves the possibility of ATAI happening -- or if I decide to write a sequel at some point, I can use this ending as a stepping-stone.

If this is a common opinion, I will do somehting to change the ending of the story. I wonder if anyone else felt this way -- cheated I guess that it did end in exactly the same place as WWW.

- Alicia smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve