I'm glad Clark had his lightbulb moment, and I'm glad Lois is being a hard sell, but I think I would like more from Clark's introspection. I'm sure that I feel this way because I'm angry with him for the previous 130 chapters, so I want him to feel this separation in every fiber of his body... and by separation, I mean the emotional one, not necessarily the physical one.

I love the way you've shown him so tactile. He keeps holding her hand and wanting to kiss her. This is what he withheld from her while he was ignoring his feelings. And while I want him to suffer and work for this, I love that Lois is letting him. She loves him, has loved him for a while, and I don't want her to deny herself of what she wants/needs/deserves.

What I would love to see fleshed out in Clark's thoughts is what he loves about her. There was some of that in these last two chapters. The 'can't live without you' theme is well served, and I think the 'what I love' would complement nicely- even if it's not aloud. I like to see Clark realize/repeat some of the things that Lois has done for him (gave him his connection to the planet, supports him in his moody periods, holds him, says the right things, covers for him, encourages him) so that the reasons he can't live without her are deep, clear, and impactful. In a way, even though he's been physically there, he *has already* been living without her, because of the emotional distance he's been keeping.

I think Lois would be swayed more if she knew the cost he feels he's paid for ignoring his feelings for so long. Lois wouldn't be able to take his suffering, and I think if Clark thinks about it, he has been suffering (even though much of it was self-inflicted). I like that he's free to feel now--and free to show his feelings.

I thought that the reconnection scene between Lois and the boys was nice. Nate is too young to express his feelings, but his desire to nurse, even though he's been weaning himself, is his way of expressing a desire to be close to mommy again. That was subtle yet poignant.

Speaking of weaning--one chapter a day til the end!! I'm already feeling the withdrawal symptoms. Have any suggestions for treatment?

Thanks for the ride, lady!

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles