While, my guess is that the preview represents something that happened without them thinking about it. Their relying on hormones. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't enough to base a marriage off of.

So when Lois realizes that they were relying on hormones, she's going to push him away again. After all, hormones doesn't PROVE TO HER THAT HE LOVES HER.
Furthermore, it is a bit quick for her to let him back into her bed. Like I said before, there is probably a part of Lois that wonders if Clark wants to stay with her for "fringe benefits." Since she seems to be getting carried away and giving him "fringe benefits" already, she's going to regret it.

I think that Lois withdrawing from him after this will be plenty of "seperation" that will HURT Clark. Like Sonia said.

I'm also interested in reasons why Clark loves Lois, not just that he can't live without her. And reasons why Lois loves Clark. They both give each other support when they need it, and that's all well and good.
But that's "I love you because you love me." And as I have repeatedly said in this story's FDK, and even mentioned in "Learning to Love", that's NOT ENOUGH TO LOVE SOMEONE.
It can be a part of the reason, as loving Christopher and Nate can be a part of the reason.
But neither of those can be the only reasons.

Clark seeems to love Lois for being sassy. He wants to hear her nicknames again. That's a good reason.
What else? It would be nice for Clark to think about these things and explain them to Lois.

What QUALITIES does Lois love about Clark? His good newspaper reporting? That would be a reason. What else?

I was also thinking about something these two could really "bond" over. I had thought many chapters ago, that losing a brother they never knew would be a good one. But that was mentioned when they weren't talking, and it seems Clark has found his brother since then anyway.

But they DID both lose family. Lois lost Ellen and Lucy when she was young.
Clark lost Jor-el and Lara as well as Chris. They have talked about this some, but they haven't really talked about how they could EMPATHIZE with each other's feelings. And I think there is a lot of potential with that.
Like I said, when I see a couple falling in love I want to see something that says "I understand you." I want to see a real emotional bond.

Canon Lois and Clark bonded in part because they worked so closely together in their cases, but more because they both hid who they really were. Lois was a lot softer than she appeared to be, particularly at the beginning. And Clark was always hiding between Clark Kent and Superman.

I have a lot of other examples of this, but there from stuff others may not recongize so I'll be quiet now.