Hey, just a quick response as I don't have much internet access today.

I don't think y'all will be surprised when I say that this 180 from Clark is way too quick of a character development. We've had to sit through him being a lunkhead for nearly 135 chapters, that I don't really buy him being this nice all of a sudden. For me, the shock therapy of the shuttle launch wasn't really that big of a shock. Compare that with a three-year threat of a crazy dictator? The crazy dictator is much more shock worthy if you ask me.

Plus, Clark's conversation to Lois about wanting to make love all of the time, and sometimes fast and furious, made him sound horny (can I say that in this post? if not, please censor me smile ) rather than a guy who wants a life long commitment.

These two should realize by now that a physical relationship and an emotional relationship are two completely different things. They need to mature and realize that they need to build on their emotional bond, and then, express their love physically. I hope they stop things before they go too far tomorrow.

Carol, you mentioned that you are going to add some more text to the last two chapters talking about why Clark loves Lois and why Lois loves Clark. I think it would be good if you could add a bit more introspection into several other chapters along the way as well. For example, Lois watching Clark play with the boys and thinking to herself Clark is a great Dad; or Clark watching Lois in the newsroom and liking how her brows furrow when she's confused etc.

With this backstory, I may be a bit more convinced that there was love all along between these two. Right, now I'm still in the "it's convenient boat" or well, they're young, and don't know any better.

PS: If I don't get a chance when this beast is done, thanks for this fic Carol and for putting up with me along the way. You should be proud of this story and for getting past the longest fic on record mark. Thank you! clap clap clap

I know you have said that UP is something different than what we've seen before. Was my theory of family counseling sessions (cause both Nate and Christopher are going to need some therapy for their emotional scars) with Dr. Frisken on the right track? smile